Almond trees

The almond tree belongs to the family of Rosaceae in the genus Prunus. It is a deciduous tree with a height of 4 to 12 meters, a trunk with a diameter of up to 30 centimeters and ellipsoidal, lanceolate and toothed leaves. The history of the almond goes back thousands of years. It is believed that the almond tree is native to the Middle East and Central Asia.
Archaeological studies indicate that it was cultivated by ancient cultures such as the Egyptians, Persians, Greeks and Romans.
In fact, when the Egyptian king Tutankhamun died around 1325 BC. almonds were one of the foods placed in his famous tomb to nourish him in his afterlife. In ancient Greece, almond fruits are mentioned as edible from the 6th century BC and were an important part of the diet.
THE Hippocrates, father of medicine believed in the healing properties of almonds and recommended them in many of his treatments. From Greece, the almond spread to Italy during the 2nd century BC with the Latin name of the almond being nux Graecum (Greek walnut). During the Middle Ages the spread of cultivation continued in Europe where almond milk was invented which was a key ingredient in the cuisine of the time. Then during the Renaissance and the Age of Exploration, Spanish missionaries introduced the almond to new areas, including California in the Americas. California's climate proved suitable for almond cultivation, with the region now the largest producer of almonds in the world. The rich history of the almond tree reflects its resistance to time and various climatic conditions, the highest nutritional value of its fruits and its important position in various cultures throughout the centuries.
Nowadays, the almond tree is cultivated in many places around the world and in various varieties (Texas, Firania, Marta, Penta, Tuono, etc.). It is a fact that the areas that have Mediterranean climate provide the most ideal conditions for the production of the best quality almonds (aroma, taste).
Specifically, on our farm we cultivate them below varieties:

H The i K i l i a T e W a s ( T e x a s )
It is a classic variety that has its roots in the USA, it acclimatized perfectly to the conditions of our country where it has been cultivated for over 40 years.
Its fruit is oval in shape, medium in size and usually ripens in the second ten days of September. The shell of the fruit is characterized as semi-hard.
The almond nut of this variety is aromatic and tasty, it is channeled raw or roasted and is widely used in the processing and confectionery industries.
H The i K i l i a Phi u r a n i a ( F e r r a g n e s )
Its fruit is oblong in shape, large in size and usually ripens in the first ten days of September. The shell of the fruit is semi-hard.
This is a quality variety especially in terms of size and color that is used for fresh consumption as a snack but is also suitable for baking.