Tree crops are the success story of Greek agriculture. Greece is the third EU country in fruit and olive tree plantations and the fourth in vineyards of all types.
About 30% of the value of total production comes from these industries, which also dominate the composition of exports.
However, even more important is the fact that, in contrast to what happens in the rest of the sectors, in times of crisis permanent plantations often expand at particularly high rates.
During this period, many farmers are preparing for the establishment of plantations. The following tribute is a guide to orchards, orchards and olive groves.
Installation of an orchard – cultivation techniques
The establishment of an orchard is of great importance, as it is a multi-year investment and many factors should be taken into account for its successful outcome. In particular, attention should be paid to climatees compstartwhat, as for each type of fruit there is a temperature range for its development. It also needs etcilow actionown temperatureown to break fruit tree bud dormancy. The required hours below 7oC, required to break eye dormancy, vary from species to species. Since the are known soil climatees compstarther areastarts, followed by optionstart of eiview and varietyilet which will be cultivated. It is also important to choose the appropriate subject that should have a good agreement with the variety and thrive in the existing soil and climate conditions.
Initial tillage
The ground that will receive the seedlings must be properly prepared, so that it is in good condition, because the development of the seedlings during the first years is decisive for the future success of the farm. If the establishment of the orchard takes place in an area cultivated for the first time, call itiri will presaid to be carried outi gradeYoploughing which aims at the destruction of perennial deep-rooted weeds. Then, normal plowing follows and it takes place equivegiving of the fieldy to facilitate subsequent work. It needs catalleli addressethesis of the edafus depending on the irrigation system to be installed, in order to avoid soil erosion due to irrigation. If deemed necessary, a drainage network is also installed.
Soil sampling and analysis
For her appreciation birthTheof the edafus, it is necessary to perform an analysis. The work path is as follows:
Before sampling, the soil surface at the sampling points is cleaned of grasses and stones. First, we divide the orchard into uniform plots based on the relief of the soil, differences in soil color, in terms of cultivation care or rotations it has received, etc.
We then determine how many samples to take and from which points depending on the size of the orchard, the shape of the plot and the depth of sampling. Depending on plot shape and size, one to two individual sampling points per hectare are satisfactory as long as the area is flat and uniform to the sampling depth.
The samples that we take with the sampler from several points and are of the same depth or homogeneity are mixed well and create a composite sample, so that finally a sample for analysis of around 1-1.5 kg per 10 hectares is obtained.
The noteia of samplingilet they should be away from houses, roads, factories and anywhere that man has intervened. Also, sampling should not be done at the borders of the field and at characteristic points, such as e.g. samarias, positions that control water, etc. Usually, there are dythe trThewhere are you?ilet lstartbaking sampleaof from a homogeneous parcel of land.
According to prowthe, we can move in a zigzag line until the entire surface of the field is covered, while during notymore the movement is made in an X shape, with a central point and four peripheral ones. In order to identify the sample, the details of its origin are written on a label, such as the name of the producer, municipality, municipal district, location, plot number, variety, subject and age of the trees.
For treeowlook gooderags, two samples are taken at depths of 0-30 and 30-60 cm. Under no circumstances should samples from different depths be mixed. Sampling should be done early, before crop establishment. Regarding the sampling season, the period from the beginning of autumn to the end of February is considered ideal for the trees and the sampling frequency is every 3-4 years.
Preparation and crop rotation
Before planting the seedlings, it is advisable to integrate them with plowing into the soil
organicstarts usilet (manurea), phosphateown and potassiumyof fertilizeraof with bain the soilstart ifasolution. Regarding the addition of organic matter, it is recommended to apply 2-3 tons of "digested" manure per hectare every 2-3 years in late autumn and early winter.
THE quantityThephosTherou and kaliu will depend on the results of the soil analysis. For example, for apple and pear seedlings, incorporating into the soil 25-40 kg P2O5/ha and 10-28 kg K2O/ha before planting the seedlings provides them in the first years.
For planting kiwis, indicative values are 30-35 kg P2O5/acre and 25-30 kg K2O/acre. Also, interventions can be made, if deemed necessary, to improve the pH of the soil. In particular, the improvement of an acidic soil is done by adding calcium (CaO).

Special care is given to alternatingstart cultivates themown. The best is when the fruit trees follow after the grassy plants of large cultivation.
Maxaattentionstart needed, when planting follows cotton and vegetable crops due to the risk of disease (e.g. downy mildew) affecting the seedlings. Care is also needed when replanting old orchards. Unfortunately, due to the limited arable land and the small agricultural lot, producers are forced to resort to replanting orchards with trees of the same species, with unfavorable results (reduced growth and productivity). For some fruit trees, the problem is solved by choosing the right subject. For example, the subjectalmond peachas GF 677 allows replanting at peacha. This rootstock was introduced from France in 1967 by the former Naoussa Deciduous Tree Institute. Also, for the applea subject MM111 is the most suitable of the series of subjects EM and MM.
After the preparation of the ground, follows the pstartmanation of ieof deshy, according to the planting plan that has been decided to establish the orchard. The planting systems used are the following:
a) Cata sqacorner: Trees are planted at the vertices of a square. This system allows the cultivation of the orchard in two mutually perpendicular directions.
b) Cata rThebuzz: Trees are planted at the vertices of an equilateral triangle. This system allows the soil to be cultivated in three directions, as well as the planting of 15% more trees than the square system.
c) Cata gres: It is mainly applied to dense plantings with dwarf rootstocks. The system is recommended for intensive cropping systems such as fusiform bush, palmetto and single strand hyperdense.
The planting season varies according to the type of fruit and climatic conditions. The deciduous fruit trees they can be planted after the leaves have fallen, from autumn to late winter, before the new vegetation begins to grow. In cold areas of Northern Greece, planting is preferred towards the end of winter and early spring, because various species may suffer damage due to the low temperatures and die. All deciduous trees are planted bare-root, except for the pistachio which is planted with a soil ball.

After the marking of the positions, at the point where the sapling will be planted, a pit is opened and the planting follows, which aims to bring the root system of the sapling into close contact with the ground.
The pits are opened in dimensions that depend on the condition of the soil and the size of the seedling's root system. The pits are dug with a shovel or with a mechanical drill that is attached to an agricultural tractor. However, care is needed, as in wet and heavy soils due to the use of the mechanical drill, hard walls can be created in the pit that prevent the development of the root system. The planting depth is such that after filling the pit, the seedling is approximately at the same height as it was in the nursery. The subject vaccine attachment point must stay out of the soil. Filling the pit with manure and fertilizers should be avoided, because it can damage the roots.
When the seedlings are formed into a fruit-bearing fence (palmette, spindle-shaped, monofilament hyperdense), they are staked on 3-4 wires, distributed in uniform heights. The first wire is 0.80 – 1 meter from the ground. Stakes, 2.5-3 m high, are placed along the planting lines every 15-20 m. In apple trees, for example, when planting, according to the super spindle system, the planting distances range from 3-3.5 m between the lines and 0.60 m on the line.
Rootstock M9 is the best choice for all varieties, except those that are very stunted, such as e.g. Delicious spur type. It is preferable to install anti-hail nets to protect the fruit from hail, but also from sunburn.
Initial orchard care
After the seedlings have been planted, special care is needed in the following period. The treesyLlia eiyes yesiconstantly in extremesiwhat's the weatheres compstartwhat, to an enemyys and asthenews. The first cultivation cares are aimed at their rapid growth and their early entry into fruiting.
THE airrigation eiyes, greatiaunt and seedlings must be watered with small amounts of water at frequent intervals, as the root system is limited.
THE eweed controliof it is also important work, as weeds compete with seedlings for nutrients, light and water. Their fight can be done with offasneezing or by covering the soil surface near the seedlings with astraw or other organic substances that prevent weed germination and growth. The weed killeria pretell him to give upyhe is a specialista the prowthe eof and subsequently to use chemicals that are known to not cause damage to the young seedlings for the conditions of the area. Finally, diligent plant protection is required to deal with enemies and diseases.
General guidelines for planting pine trees
1. Seedling health check
The nursery material should be guaranteed both from the phytosanitary point of view and in terms of the identity of the variety. The root system in the seedlings should be free from nematodes, coccoids, bacterial cankers, sepsis and neck diseases and be richly fibrous as this will give the first good start in the spring. As for the above-ground part, this should be free from disease and bacterial infestation.
2. Soil preparation
Soil preparation is a decisive factor both for the success of rooting and for the subsequent development of the tree. Plowing, claw and milling, should be done in drained soils and never in muddy ones. Attention should be paid to the surface drainage, so that there is an easy exit of the waters in drainage networks. One way is to build planting beds during the summer.
3. Method of planting
The final preparation of the field should be done with a polynail so that the surface has no irregularities. Squaring is done and we recommend the planting system to be done in squares (rectangular system). Then we place the marks on the planting sites, small reeds, which will later be used to support the new seedlings. The opening of the pits should be done with shovels, as much as needed for each seedling and the planting depth should be such that the inoculum is at least 10 cm above the soil surface. We don't put anything in the pit (copper is very toxic for the root), except mycorrhizae. We cover with fresh surface soil and tamp it down a little, as the theory "tamp so the root doesn't get air" doesn't apply. If the winter is dry, we also do maintenance watering.
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Almond cultivation
Planting distances depend on the variety, the substrate used and the method of harvesting. In high-growing subjects and mechanical harvesting (umbrella), the distances are 4-6 meters between rows, depending on the harvesting machine primarily and the gluttony of the variety secondarily. However, today with the new low-growing rootstocks, planting can be done 1 meter on the line and 3.5 meters between the lines.
In this case, the harvest is done with combines, like those used to harvest olives, with very good results. However, the configuration of the trees must be done in such a way that this method of harvesting can be applied. There are many who believe that this method of harvesting will prevail in the future, because this way costs are greatly reduced.
The rootstock GF677 is gluttonous and has very good agreement with cultivars. It makes very good use of dry and high calcium soils, and is sensitive to nematodes and verticillium wilt. Equally greedy is the rootstock Cadaman, which has very good cultivar agreement and is very resistant to nematodes and calcium. The new subjects are Rootpac-R and Rootpac-20. The ones to be used for dense plantings are Rootpac-20 for plantings 1-2m on the row and 3-4m between rows and Rootpac-R for plantings 2-3m on the row and 4m. between the lines. The forming system will be free linear without wires and stakes to enable machine assembly.
The new self-fertile varieties Soleta, Isabelona, Guara and Avihor and the varieties Feranies – Texas in low rootstocks and dense planting. In Feranies-Texas, the pollinator should be planted every 3rd row and every 3rd tree. It is the best system for non-self-fertile varieties, which have the advantage of high production, but need appropriate fruiting pruning, so that we have good fruit quality and a correspondingly high production quantity.
Walnut Cultivation
As rootstocks for walnuts today we mainly use seedlings of Juglans regia, which are large trees. Therefore, the planting distances are 6-8 m on the row and 8-10 m between the rows.

The rootstock Paradox is resistant to nematodes and Agrobacterium tumefaciens, the varieties produce larger fruit and better crumb color. This subject, in order not to lose its properties, should be reproduced meristemically. The configuration of walnut trees can be a cup with three to five arms or a pyramid-shaped configuration without cutting off the top. Of course, walnut trees also need fruiting pruning.
Franquette: Good quality variety, 46% crumb, very productive. It germinates in late spring (1,500 hours of cold) and is suitable for mountainous semi-mountainous areas.
Hartley: Good quality variety, 45% crumb, recommended for lowland areas.
Chandler: Very productive variety, 52% crumb, very good fruit quality.
Pistachio cultivation
The underlying Tsikoudia (Pistacia terebinthus cv tsikoudia) is considered the most suitable for our country. It is resistant to phytophthora and has a very good affinity with the varieties. The new rootstock UCB1 for pistachio, which is propagated in Greece as well as in other countries, is considered to have good properties, but its value will be seen after it is propagated.
Mouse: Large fruit size, tasty, crisp, green flesh. Open wrist 90%-95%,
productive variety.
Goatinis: Very good variety, productive, lateral branching, very good fruit quality (crisp green crumb) and should be propagated. Very high percentage of open fruits 70%.
Nychati: Productive, large fruit size, crisp green crumb, open fruit 50%. It withstands low temperatures, needs 800-1,000 hours of cold and dry-hot summers.
When planting pollinators, the system applies every 3rd row and every 3rd tree. Best pollinators are clones C and D. As far as planting distances are concerned, 6-7 m on the line and 6-7 m between the lines is recommended.
Basic instructions for the correct installation of Eleonas
Olive cultivation in our country has as long a past as the culture we inherited from our ancestors. Essentially, for our country, it is not only a crop, but an integral part of our history.
Nowadays, olive cultivation, whether for edible or olive oil production, promises high returns to those who trust it and start. However, for the promises to become a reality, two very serious factors must be overcome, which often lead to the failure of olive grove establishment.
The first factor concerns issues prior to tree establishment. This includes climatic conditions, the presence or absence of irrigation, soil factors and, most important of all, a healthy plant (propagating material).
The second factor concerns matters of cultivation techniques, which start from the moment of planting until the trees reach their productive phase.
The forecastsstartdamn whatiyes strongThen to procybake fromThe the prowthe paraoverkillyare as exstarts:
– With soil examination of the soil that will receive the olive trees.
– Guided by a responsible agronomist on the possible varieties that thrive in that area.
– By choosing a suitable nursery for the supply of the plants.
This last factor is perhaps the most important, which will guarantee the correct and successful installation of the olive grove. Plants infected either by fungi, or by other pathogenic organisms (bacteria), lead to a percentage of 100% in the failure of the olive grove. As our experience has shown us at the Tsipa Model Nursery, many trees come from foreign countries, without control, or from nurseries of other countries located in quarantined areas, due to the bacterium xylella fastidiosa. For this reason, the supply of plants should only be made by nursery businesses that can supply, together with their trees, the appropriate phytosanitary certificate and keep mother trees checked. Otherwise, the plants are not safe for the grower.
The forecastsstartdamn whatiyes strongThen to procybake fromThe him notymore paraoverkillyare as exstarts:
– Correct planting distance depending on the case
– Depending on the variety and whether the area is irrigated, then a) normal suitable planting is done, from 4×6 meters to 5×7 meters at the most, b) dense planting with cypress-shaped trees and planting distances of 3×6 meters or c) linear planting, with the planting distances being 1.8-2 meters along the lines and the distance between the lines being 3.5-4 meters.
Mode of growth of young seedlings
1. Open the root node proportionally.
2. Add 250-300 grams of compound fertilizer to the pit.
3. Cover the compost with 5-10 points of soil.
4. Place the sapling and the stake to support the tree.
5. We close the pit, making sure that there is good contact with the soil with the wood ball and
water the young seedling that we have just planted.
6. Foliar sprays are followed by suitable preparations (fungicides-insecticides-nutrition)
which will be recommended to us by the agronomist we work with.
7. In the first year from October to March once a month spraying with a mild formulation.
The first steps to planting kiwi
1. Land
The efloor, which is to be used for the installation of an actinion, is plowed before planting to a depth of 30-40 cm. Plowing aims to destroy perennial weeds and to properly manage the soil, which is essential for proper growth
of the root system of trees. Before plowing, soil samples are taken and analyzes are carried out, based on the results of which the type and quality of chemicals are determined fertilizeraof, which are necessary for the growth of trees. The soil should belong to the category of acidic soils or neutral ones, with a pH of 6.5 to 7.5. Soils with active calcium above 3% should be avoided because chlorosis will occur during plant growth.
2. Installation
During preparation, it is recommended to add 3-5 tons of manure, if possible 20-30 kg of superphosphate and 20-30 kg of potassium sulfate. The seedlings are planted with a ball of soil and at times from late autumn to spring. The varieties of kiwi,
which are cultivated mostly in Greece, are Tsechelidis and Hayward.
THE Kiwia planted in rectangular parallelograms or lines. Its planting distances, depending on the formation system, are as follows:
a) Syplant Taf: Between the lines 3-3.5 m and on the line 4-5 m. b) Bedito: Between the lines 4-5.5 m and on the lines 3.5-4 m.
Because the plant is cross-fertilizable, the corresponding spikes should also be placed in the correct order, so that we get the best results. The ratio of males to females is one male for seven females.
3. Cares
Kiwi needs constant moisture and because the main rhizome is superficial and especially in the summer season watering is more frequent, the installation of the irrigation system should be properly thought out. Depending on the composition of the soil and the needs of the plant, the corresponding amounts of water must be used, so as not to cause suffocation problems in the root system. From the first year and throughout the life of the actinideon, it is necessary to carry out frequent watering, perhaps even every other day, during the vegetative period and especially during fruit setting and throughout the period of fruit growth.
Installation of a new Sissy pear variety orchard
1. Tillage
For the establishment of a new orchard, the same applies to almost all pear varieties. We make sure that the soil is well worked before planting with deep plowing (even two in number) to fight weeds, at the end of summer. As soon as winter sets in, we do a soil analysis to see if we need to make any corrective moves either before or after planting, but also to decide together with the producer which will be the right substrate for his field.
2. Subjects
Today we inoculate the variety Sissy with five different rootstocks (BA29, Adams, MC, OHF40, Cydonia of provence), which have an excellent affinity with the variety and give us different possibilities in the field in terms of soil type, ph, density of planting etc.
3. Planting systems
a) Cypressaand
It has been in Europe for 20 years and is used with great success for increased yields and quick payback of the initial installation. It involves planting at least 200 plants per hectare, at distances of 1.2 m plant to plant and 4 m between lines with a maximum height of 3.4 m. The young seedlings need to be tied to the wires of the palmetto at the latest in the spring of the same year of planting, so that they can create a good root system to support them (the pear is known to have a superficial root system), but also to have the first bending of the annual shoots on the wires, so as to create the first fruiting bodies of the coming year.
b) Palmethe
Free palmetto is what is mainly used by Greek producers. It involves planting 125-130 plants per hectare at planting distances of 2.3-2.5m plant to plant and 3.6m between rows, with a maximum height of 3.5m. In this case, because we cut the saplings at about 0.80 cm at the height of the first wire, it is not necessary to have installed palmetto in the same year, but we can install it next spring.
With this practice, producers spread the installation costs over two years. During the establishment of the young seedlings we suggest to the producers the use of zeolite in the planting pit at a dosage of 0.5 – 1 krg per position along with microorganisms (mycorrhizae, hairy skin, etc.). These two ingredients work extremely well together and give unique results especially in the first years of installation.
4. Cultivation Care
Water requirements in the first two years are normal, with an average application per week. From the second summer onwards, we take care to deprive the plant of water in order to force it to create fruiting organs (giving water every 12 days, without this being a rule, as it always depends on the conditions of the field).
As far as fertilization is concerned, we make sure to provide a solution individually for each producer, as the soil conditions are different in each field, and therefore each one's needs. In any case, each time the soil analysis is taken into account, as well as the summer leaf diagnosis, so that we get the desired results.